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Friday, July 13, 2012

Writing and –will 2012 be an Annum “Painus Anus”?

Collecting More James Patterson MasterpiecesFor the prolific reader that I am, I must say it is quite embarrassing to admit that I just this week sampled my first James Patterson novel, 10th Anniversary. As this title implies, I am at least 10 years late in discovering this author, and upon opening the book’s frontispieces, I was completely shocked to find out just how many novels this man has written (over 50 were listed.) I was even more taken aback by the fact that no less than THREE novels were scheduled for publication in 2011 (one in April, one in June, and the last in August.) I mean –just how prolific is that?
Impressed as I was, however, I must say that I didn’t enjoy 10thAnniversary. Though this doesn’t mean that I am ready to write off this author completely (I always give authors at least two chances to get me hooked) I will need a recommendation on which of his titles to try next, because, if I don’t like that one, I am not likely to ever pick up a James Patterson again. SO! Any suggestions, anyone? I’d be grateful.
Divorce Cakes a_005
Divorce Cakes a_005 (Photo credit: DrJohnBullas)
So… as the birthday gifts continue rolling in (including two new followers –Welcome!) I get an email from my ex-fiancé, asking for a meet. WHAT, I ‘m thinking furiously, does this mean?
I’m not a superstitious person, generally, but I do believe that things happen for a reason, and every time I’ve ignored a ‘sign’ or ignored my ‘gut’, terrible decisions have been made and tragic things have happened. In the face of my options however, (1) Ignore the mail; 2) Respond with a polite ‘thanks, but no, thanks’ or 3) Respond with a ‘Sure, let’s grab a coffee sometime) I suddenly find myself stumped because, for once, my gut isn’t saying ANYTHING. And in such times, surely, the best thing to do –is to do nothing. Right? Of ALL the things I could need or wish for, painus exus drama is NOT on the list. In fact, right now, while I’m suddenly managing to focus less on counting my eggs and more on enjoying every other thing, perhaps the last thing I need is a man coming into my life, making my womb skip a beat, getting me thinking about him, and feeling things, and BAKING, and generally confusing me as only that species can. I need a break. Can’t I just enjoy one? In Peace?
So, I guess I’ve decided to do nothing. And y’all agree with me… Right? I mean, it’s the only thing to do. Bleeping Life. Just when you think you’re in a good place…
Still in pursuit!

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