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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Sun’ll Come Out…

Nope, no news on the Love front. I only wish I were hard-hearted enough to share the veritable Line-Up with you of my most recent online ‘conquests’. You would weep for me, you really would… except, seriously. Are ‘good’ men not looking? Am I so hard to find?!!

Still, ALL is good, and La Vita È Bella here in Nairobi! ‘Winter’ is practically over, and the sun is finally coming out. By next week, GONE will be the woolen bras, itchy long johns, and the layers and layers of clothes that have made even the most attractive female citizens look like sullen, unhappy pregnant women. Gone will be the cravings for heavy warming food and sinful cake. And in will come the season of light cotton tops, fruit and ice-cream, iced coffee, cold beer and quick, invigoratingly cold showers… Who knows? I may even make to the beach this year, for a good long lounge on the seaside! Bliss.

Say what you like, but there is something about a good dose of Vitamin D that fills one with spunk and spontaneity, and even a certain je ne sais quoi, a sort of glow of health that makes Shreks seem as attractive as James Bond. Perhaps this is why the popularity of tanning has been going out of control since the mid-80s! Vitamin D. I could DRINK it.

In Pursuit of Happiness –but spunkily now!

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