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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dirty (and Naked) Harry!

English: Prince Harry at a 2009 charity match ...
I'm sorry folks... I'm with most of the rest of the world. I have a soft spot for Prince Harry, and if he felt like walking about naked for a year in protest of bad alcohol and promoting the rights of prostitutes... I'd probably be right behind him. Especially with that bod on him.

It's got me thinking though -what IS it about Harry that makes him so loveable? Why does he get away with things, in the media, that would crucify any other celebrity -for Life? It's not just the Public adoring Harry -it's the media too! And that's some achievement indeed, when the vultures are incessantly sniffing around for their next victim, and their prayers resemble this: "Please let Beckham cheat, please let Beckham cheat, please, please, please…"

Funny thing is, Harry's never played up to the media, or anyone else. He's simply lived his life, as himself, and damned the rest. And indeed, any attempt to turn his antics into scandals have subscribed to the saying "Publish and be damned!" They've been published, and been damned, and Harry's walked away, his image untarnished.

Perhaps it is the typical prerogative of a 'second son', the English familial tradition. The first son is meant to be exactly what William is -sober, responsible, well-spoken, soberly and responsibly well-spoken; and if he's really tops, he'll take care to be tall and handsome too.

The second son is Harry to the 'T'. With all of the cares laid upon the shoulders of his older brother, he is free and able to live 'normally' -even happily- enough for both of them. If there are any of the following to be done, he is entitled to pursue them to the full: the drinking, the falling off of horses, the failing at school, the chasing of skirts, the breaking of hearts, the acting in movies, the modelling, the sky-diving and other stunts… all of these and more activities are open to him -so long as he return home safe and sound, which Harry has always done.

I think of Harry as a perfectly healthy young man, and if I wouldn't call him handsome, I do find beauty in his face, an air and flush of Diana, which is somehow deeply touching, and endearing. I'm persuaded that when he's done with all the high jinks, the sowing of seed, the army and the adrenaline, this young prince will make the most loving and devoted husband and father, to one of luckiest girls in the world. I wish him well with all my heart.

The hiccup with Harry's story arrived like a bombshell, the other day, when my sister casually mentioned that he may not be Prince Charles natural son. "What do you mean?" I asked her, thinking I'd misheard. It was her turn to look shocked. "You read everything," she marveled, " did you never read Princess Diana's autobiography?" No, I hadn't. And I haven't. And I may never.

Princess Diana on a royal visit for the offici...
I'm afraid I wasn't a great fan of Princess Diana's, and even less one of Prince Charles'. She was a young frustrated girl, thrust into a world she had no idea would consume her. She wasn't mature enough to take all of the disappointments in stride, and didn't have the cold upper lip of royalty to behave as though she accept them. She resisted them publicly, loudly, petulantly. Like the best people, however, she somehow found in herself the strength and power to give of herself to others, even during her darkest hours. She had little else to give, so she gave her time, her attention, her kindness -and became the Queen of Hearts. She was a loving person, and all she ever wanted to be loved in return. And she was, more than she ever imagined.

Funny thing is, Harry's never played up to the media, or anyone else. He's simply lived his life, as himself, and damned the rest. And indeed, any attempt to turn his antics into scandals have subscribed to the saying "Publish and be damned!" They've been published, and been damned, and Harry's walked away, his image untarnished.

Perhaps it is the typical prerogative of a 'second son', the English familial tradition. The first son is meant to be exactly what William is -sober, responsible, well-spoken, soberly and responsibly well-spoken; and if he's really tops, he'll take care to be tall and handsome too.

The second son is Harry to the 'T'. With all of the cares laid upon the shoulders of his older brother, he is free and able to live 'normally' -even happily- enough for both of them. If there are any of the following to be done, he is entitled to pursue them to the full: the drinking, the falling off of horses, the failing at school, the chasing of skirts, the breaking of hearts, the acting in movies, the modelling, the sky-diving and other stunts… all of these and more activities are open to him -so long as he return home safe and sound, which Harry has always done.

I think of Harry as a perfectly healthy young man, and if I wouldn't call him handsome, I do find beauty in his face, an air and flush of Diana, which is somehow deeply touching, and endearing. I'm persuaded that when he's done with all the high jinks, the sowing of seed, the army and the adrenaline, this young prince will make the most loving and devoted husband and father, to one of luckiest girls in the world. I wish him well with all my heart.

The hiccup with Harry's story arrived like a bombshell, the other day, when my sister casually mentioned that he may not be Prince Charles natural son. "What do you mean?" I asked her, thinking I'd misheard. It was her turn to look shocked. "You read everything," she marveled, " did you never read Princess Diana's autobiography?" No, I hadn't. And I haven't. And I may never.
English: Khloe Kardashian attending Maxim's 10...
Apparently, when Harry was born, Prince Charles was nowhere to be seen. Harry was no son of his, is what his behaviour stated, and in light of those indiscretions Princess Diana had begun becoming guilty of, this might be nothing but the truth. Certainly nothing out of character for the English royal history, which, like many others in Europe, is full of 'bastards' and 'usurpers' to the throne. More certain however, is that Harry looks nothing like William, and nothing at all like Prince Charles, excepting that they are are regally tall men. Like Khloe Kardashian, is a soupçon of illegitimacy gnawing at our Prince's heart? Is it perhaps more serious than anyone might think? For Khloe, adversity has brought inward strength, integrity of character, brute force honesty, and staunch loyalty to herself, to family, and to all of those whom she loves. Is it doing the same for Prince Harry? I believe so, even if this disturbing feeling might drive him to go faster and further, dive deeper, and party harder. When he settles, he will be the strongest of men, with the best of characters, and there really isn't anything more one could wish out of Life's battering journey...

Whatever the case may be, Prince Harry is one I would applaud for living a Life In Pursuit of Happiness, and many times he has found it. I wish for him that he may continue to do so.

Here's to all of us determined Pursuers!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

You’ll meet Someone, Older and Wiser…

I have to admit that it’s true what they say: “Wisdom comes with Age.” If not all, then at least some of it –the most important parts of it, perhaps. When I think of the things I fervently believed as a teen, it’s CRINGE-making. Even some of the things I believed just a decade ago are supremely embarrassing to me now, and I feel glad, so glad that I’ve reached the perfect place, in my early 30s, where I can laugh at latter-year absurdities in behaviour, and gained the open-mindedness, tolerance, patience and necessary senses of responsibility and humour that enable me to do better, every day. Because I’ve grown.
Whether this is normal or not, I don’t know, but I can actually feel my growth. Some mysterious short time ago, I began to make better decisions, to see the world a little differently and most importantly, to see my circumstances differently. Suddenly, everything lost that edge, and became fuzzier –and funnier. Perhaps even a little friendlier. They certainly stopped being so cut-and-dried. I’ve always been sensitive, but somehow, other people’s feelings and perceptions are clearer to me. I am less quick to judge –I am even capable of not judging. I used to be Queen Solomona –without the wisdom of ever considering the suggestion of splitting the baby. Somewhere along the way, black and white issues swirled together into grey; yet I know precisely where I stand.
It’s amazing. It’s refreshing, and oh, I can’t TELL you HOW relaxing. Suddenly, the off-cuff advice not to take life “so seriously” isn’t just something losers and drunkards say –it works! I’m still not sure what ‘choosing to be happy’ means, as I’m still pretty sure you can only be as happy as your circumstances allow you to be, and if I were homeless, friendless and cold, I would not consider it some kind of blessing... but I AM sure that ‘doing the right thing’ in every situation possible, though a tougher way to live, is the very best way to live. I know the joy of doing something selflessly, and it’s pretty awesome.
And another saying that’s true? “Aprés la pluie, le beau temps!” After the rain (read pain) the sun’ll come out –even if it isn’t going to happen tomorrow. I’ll even believe that ‘Life begins at 40’... and don’t the more evil ones of you say that I kind of have to!
Romantically, those men that made me swoon  at 18 have no sway with me now. I know myself better. I like myself better. And so I know much better what I’m looking for; whom I would suit, and who would suit me.
Yet, quite independently, I can hide the Bible away and lust... erm... I mean, enjoy indulging, visually, in a bit of nugget. Olympian, Hollywoodian or otherwise. A small, hopefully harmless guilty pleasure –like a large glass of perfectly chilled, crisp white wine on a hot summer afternoon... or a rich dessert.
In “The Sound of Music”, young Liesl couldn’t believe it when Maria assured her that she would meet “Someone older and wiser....” I’ve agreed with Liesl most of my life, but not any more. Not for a good long while. I believe instead that, like Maria, some day soon, Someone will be “standing there loving me,” whether or not he should, and I’ll think: “Somewhere in my youth, or childhood, I must have done something good!”
Ever In Hot Pursuit of Happiness!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bart, Moi, and The MoMD

I got Barthélémy around my 13th birthday, just before going away to boarding school. Though Mum completely disapproved of him from the first, she gave in, I believe, because of guilt –and Guilt, to a child, can be a pretty powerful ally in Getting What You Want. Boarding School was never something Mum ever envisioned for her children, even though she'd never intended to put off her career for us. She would have Both, and why shouldn't she?
English: Teddy bear Français : Ours en peluche
Anyways, having gotten Bart so late in my life, it may be surprising how tightly we bonded. I KNEW him the second I saw him in the shop. I KNEW we would love each other, and grow old together. I knew he'd keep my secrets with his life, and adore me despite the doubtful nature of some of them. Indeed, he’s supported me through no end of crushes, break-ups, family and work problems and, lately, singlehood fiascos. In a perfect dream world, I’ve no doubt that I’d be married to Bart, and we’d have six beautiful child cubs. Problem is, he’s a Bear. A soft, mushy-in-all-the-right-places Bear, who should have been given up years ago without a murmur. But he hasn’t. And not that I would bring Bart to any date and introduce him as my BFF –but he is. I’m happy to have him out of the way, somewhere in my room –but he’s always with me. And he’ll always be… until I find it in myself to cede him to my eldest and/or only child.
The problem is... Bart may be the standard against whom I base every other of my relationships. In which case, I really should get rid of him as soon as possible, given my Disdainful Eye and other critical afflictions. Perhaps without Bart’s beautiful hazel eyes to gaze into (and I should mention they’re the extreme of warm and loving) I might be able to lower my standards some, and link my life to a short, weak-chinned dullard who has never left the village I met him in, during a passing visit. Even worse, I might begin to take a shine to creatures such as Roosh (the very name, my friends, should be a RED FLAGGED LIGHTHOUSE.)
Funny thing is, this was quite a week for Romance, in my world. Yesterday alone, I received no less than 6 notifications of interest… one, LITERALLY, from the Man of My Dreams (MoMD).
Now, Girls. Two things about the prospective MoMD:
1)      You should know that he is, as his name implies, a figment of your imagination. It is VERY unlikely that he exists, and thus, in our looking, we should be careful not to look for him exclusively.
2)      When he DOES manifest… tread, very, very carefully. As the saying goes, “When the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers.” (Karen Blixen in “Out of Africa”)
Seriously though, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Frank’s profile. In fact, I’m going to give it to you:
 √ 39
√ Bilingual
√ 6’5
√ Green Eyes
√ Athletic
√ Wants (more) children
√ Describes himself as: “sportingly, generously, romantically, loving”
√ A glorious, BEAUTIFUL set of smiling photoS –DE-VAS-TA-TING. He’s STUNNING.
x 231lb (!!!)
x Divorced (Why? WHY would anyone allow him to get away?)
My Love
My Love (Photo credit: Jennuine Captures)
My womb skipped so many beats I had to perform CPR on it (this basically entails banging on your lower stomach until you can feel your legs again.) Then came, in quick succession, twelve visions of our First Kiss, my 6 future children, and an evening together before the fireplace of our newly built home…
When you’re thinking like this, you’re likely to write to the bloke in an off-putting over-eager or over-familiar manner, which translates, in physical dating, to that girl at the club who is so clearly offering her wares to her pick of the night that it makes you cringe for her. In fact, having very properly returned his Interest, I should now exercise my breathing apparatus, and wait for him to write ME a proper message. Problem is… CAN I wait that long? WILL I?
Bart sits there and smiles blithely at me –SO like a male to be completely useless when it COUNTS.
Love Love Love
Love Love Love (Photo credit: Gregory Jordan)
I’m off to browse honeymoon locations to soothe my itchy fingers. I’m thinking somewhere outlandish like… Macedonia. Hmmmhhh… Bali or Prague?

Men Are Evolving All Wrong

English: English Bulldog with characteristic u...
English: English Bulldog with characteristic underbite (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I’ve been watching my Disdainful Eye, and thought I might just tell you another thing it’s noticed: UNDERBITES. Aside from a weak chin, a non-existent backside, a backside the size of a back-pack, and thin legs... the worst thing anyone can sport is an underbite. When it’s barely noticeable, one might not see it right away, but when it’s plainly there, it makes smiling look like a sport, and that’s NOT cool. Are men evolving into werewovles?
Tyra Banks at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival.
Tyra Banks at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Panicky fact is, since I noticed The Underbite syndrome a couple of weeks ago, I can’t stop seeing them everywhere I go. I’ve caught myself watching people speak (NOT cool –I imagine that it makes you look like you’re angling for a kiss, and that is not an impression I want to leave with my bank teller, the guy at the supermarket or at the petrol pump... or Anyone, really) and although I’ve found that it affects a surprising amount of women (I mean, Tyra Banks has one?!) it affects even more men, and is seriously disturbing, in my general observation of this species.
According to some professor (no doubt the obsessive, notebook carrying, absent-minded, mumbling-to-oneself type that is sadly en voie de disparition) who must be super zealous, and super-super persuasive, because he got the licence to make an entire town his experiment; according to this dude, human beings are evolving to be shorter and fatter. This is already bad news, and especially depressing when you’ve actually noticed that this is true. When I was growing up, I ‘crushed’ on my tall, hot, willowy uncles, and was never so delighted as to be picked up by them and propelled seemingly thousands of miles above ground. The way things are going now, my kids may have to pick up their uncles, just to see them better. Point IS... when I watched this documentary, the Prof omitted to specify that this new breed of short fat people means that men’s necks will disappear, and that they would each have an underbite, just to solidify their status of Unattractive. SUPER depressing.
Still, in a society of short, fat people, I wouldn’t mind our family being the exception. If I chose correctly, I can have a nice, tall husband with all of his teeth in the right place, which means that our kids will too. Screw ‘normal’. The day a TV couple is portrayed with the beautiful woman leaning lovingly down to kiss her Prince is not one I’m looking forward to.
In equally dour news, I got a message last weekend, from Jorg, in Germany. He’s 56, and full bearded. Have mercy.
Wearily in pursuit...

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Disdainful Eye

According to a new friend, I suffer from the Dangerous Disdainful Eye. It is the Disdainful Eye that is preventing me from seeing the apparently THOUSANDS of suitable men that there are all around me, among whom, she assures me, there is my Baby Daddy. Smiling tightly, I told her that there may be thousands of men in the WORLD, but I wasn’t looking for thousands of men. I want only ONE, and he has to be the Right One. My list of requirements, I went on to assure her a little hotly (though I had promised myself not to get emotional) is NOT that prohibitive. I mean, SERIOUSLY. What’s WRONG with wanting a man whose taller than me? Or one who has BOTH a jawline AND a neck, each in their proper, separate places? What’s wrong with objecting to knock-knees, spaced out teeth or a narrow mind? What’s wrong with having a preference for a bilingual, Masters degree holder who has travelled outside of his country? And WHAT is wrong with my wanting an age-appropriate 35-40 year-old, as opposed to someone my Dad’s age? I ask you!
Well, in fact, I asked her, but she didn’t seem phased. Said that a Disdainful Eye sees nothing but objections –and I have to admit that she’s got me there. If you’re looking for something to object to in anything or anyone, you’ll find plenty. It’s an OCD thing that happens to everyone, once in a while, because they’re indulging a bad mood, or because they’re a witch as were born critical, or because they’re simply nasty. I’m NOT nasty. I don’t even think I’m PICKY. I just don’t want to pass on to my children things that they could do without –SUCH AS a weak jawline that melts and disappears into what could barely called a neck. SUCH AS knock-knees. SUCH AS a need for braces at birth. SUCH AS narrow-minded perceptions of the world and stupid limited opinions… I mean, I’m not being crazy here. I’m being socially and environmentally conscious. It’s a GOOD thing to consciously favour good genes. And if I turn out to be the worst mother of the decade, then at least my children can sit and stare at their reflections and say: “Well at least she tried to give us the very best looks and health that she could manage.” …Right?
Ever in pursuit!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Sun’ll Come Out…

Nope, no news on the Love front. I only wish I were hard-hearted enough to share the veritable Line-Up with you of my most recent online ‘conquests’. You would weep for me, you really would… except, seriously. Are ‘good’ men not looking? Am I so hard to find?!!

Still, ALL is good, and La Vita È Bella here in Nairobi! ‘Winter’ is practically over, and the sun is finally coming out. By next week, GONE will be the woolen bras, itchy long johns, and the layers and layers of clothes that have made even the most attractive female citizens look like sullen, unhappy pregnant women. Gone will be the cravings for heavy warming food and sinful cake. And in will come the season of light cotton tops, fruit and ice-cream, iced coffee, cold beer and quick, invigoratingly cold showers… Who knows? I may even make to the beach this year, for a good long lounge on the seaside! Bliss.

Say what you like, but there is something about a good dose of Vitamin D that fills one with spunk and spontaneity, and even a certain je ne sais quoi, a sort of glow of health that makes Shreks seem as attractive as James Bond. Perhaps this is why the popularity of tanning has been going out of control since the mid-80s! Vitamin D. I could DRINK it.

In Pursuit of Happiness –but spunkily now!